Well, for goodness sake, I'm still on a run around. The Dr I saw felt that he could not do an adequate biopsy in my mouth so he referred me to an ENT who specialises in head and neck cancer to do the biopsy. I am actually thankful for that referral, but frustrated with the wait. I'm also seeing a dentist this Wednesday, he's doing a pandenscopy and I'm getting a good look at my teeth and gum health now, just because. And just because life is interesting, I now have a hard lump that either I just noticed, or it just appeared on the very lower, interior edge of my lower mandible, same side, right, as the outer lower lumps. So, it's actually on the floor of my mouth, but attached to my interior jaw, if that makes sense?

Last edited by Retiredpsychtech; 12-09-2017 04:09 PM.

I am going in for biopsy/ultrasound of my lower lip/chin area. I have a hard lump on the interior mucosa, just below my lower lip, causing numbness, tingling, and swelling of my lower lip and other areas surrounding the hard lump. This has been going on for about 9 months. I had an oral biopsy last year but it was negative...this is strange.