11 days till appointment. My lower lip, interior, still macerated, swollen, numb. Still have hard central lump, about pea sized. On a lighter note, my husband and i are getting thanksgiving foodstuffs ready to prepare and deliver to our local Catholic Charities Thanksgiving town feast☺ we will cook, deliver and help serve on Thursday, so much fun. Our little town is very friendly and active in lots of support for young families and local services. We try to support local businesses and community help as much as we can. This gets us through life with joy🤗. Being retired has been a wonderful opportunity to increase my availability to give time to my community. Anyway, happy beginning of this holiday week to all here, and thank you, especially ChristineB for administrating this forum and site. With my difficulty in attempts to eat, I have been using many of the recipes shared here and I got the "magic mouthwash" recipe as well here on this site, which has helped me with my very uncomfortable mucosa. Again, thank you, and happy holiday week!!

I am going in for biopsy/ultrasound of my lower lip/chin area. I have a hard lump on the interior mucosa, just below my lower lip, causing numbness, tingling, and swelling of my lower lip and other areas surrounding the hard lump. This has been going on for about 9 months. I had an oral biopsy last year but it was negative...this is strange.