Christine, unfortunately, I do not have thrush, I wish this was thrush, I know how to very easily treat that☺. I am hoping that this is a neuropathy issue, not easily treated, but I am doing everything available at this time B12, careful nutrition, avoiding activating foods, etc. But, the lumps in my lower lip area need to be biopsied, and maybe the pathology will show some weird fungal infection? Something else more easily treated than neuropathy. Or OC. As time passes, having observed and cared for many patients with CA, of many kinds, this, to me does not act like a malignant growth. But, that's just me you say here, until there is a biopsy, there is no way of knowing. I so hesitate to take time and space from those who have diagnoses, but this is the only place where I share my concerns as I don't want to dump on my husband. Again, I am so grateful for this piece of the internet community.

I am going in for biopsy/ultrasound of my lower lip/chin area. I have a hard lump on the interior mucosa, just below my lower lip, causing numbness, tingling, and swelling of my lower lip and other areas surrounding the hard lump. This has been going on for about 9 months. I had an oral biopsy last year but it was negative...this is strange.