Hello there, i was here a while back, almost 2 years. I had a buccal cavity biopsy on a slowly healing, recurring sore, left cheek. It turned out to be negative. For which i was so grateful. Well, now, for the last 9 months I have had a hard lump on my inside, lower lip with numbness, tingling, and swelling surrounding this hard lump. So...i have an appointment for a biopsy and ultra sound of my inner lower lip and chin on, November 30th. That was the first available appt here . I am on the waiting list for cancellations however, this is unnerving. I seem to keep having these whitish plaques, and now this hard lump.

I am going in for biopsy/ultrasound of my lower lip/chin area. I have a hard lump on the interior mucosa, just below my lower lip, causing numbness, tingling, and swelling of my lower lip and other areas surrounding the hard lump. This has been going on for about 9 months. I had an oral biopsy last year but it was negative...this is strange.