☺ just thinking about becoming a little more aggressive about seeing the Dr for my biopsy/ultrasound. My lower lip is a bit more swollen with continual numbness,tingling and very tender/sore with superficial red/white patches on my bumpy,swollen, bulgy problematic interior lower lip. My little hard, pea sized lump in the middle of this swollen, macerated flesh is still there too. I mean, this has been going on, really, for 9 months, so what's one more month.

But I'm very uncomfortable and eating is very difficult, almost impossible for most foods, and painful for all food and all liquid, even water. Brushing my teeth means zero toothpaste of any kind, it is excruciating. I actually have quite high pain tolerance. But, I'm losing weight now because I can not really eat. The only things I can really comfortably tolerate are premiere protein shakes. And they make my mouth hurt too. 🤤

I am going in for biopsy/ultrasound of my lower lip/chin area. I have a hard lump on the interior mucosa, just below my lower lip, causing numbness, tingling, and swelling of my lower lip and other areas surrounding the hard lump. This has been going on for about 9 months. I had an oral biopsy last year but it was negative...this is strange.