Indeed the road steepens. We only have two weeks to go but it feels like the summit of this mountain is still a long way off! Especially as the side effects worsen (and will continue to worsen after the rads finish).

A better analogy is how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. We have ten more rads to go and one chemo. After that its not treatment anymore, its recovery. We recover and start taking our lives back. One bite at a time.

Cheers, Dave (OzMojo)
19Feb2014 Diagnosed T2N2bM0 P16+ve SCC Tonsil.
31Mar2014 2 Cisplatin, 70gy over 7 weeks (completed 16May2014)
11August2014 PET/CT clear.
17July2019 5 years NED.