My mom has been rocking the taxoter and Carboplatin combo (previous kidney issues precluded Cisplatin). No hair. But no nausea. She says she'll take it.

Love your attitude! Keep getting stronger!

Caregiver to mom Chris, symptoms started 12/18/13. Biopsy 1/18/14, Diagnosed t2n2 2/3 2014. 3x Carboplatin and Taxotere finished 4/21/14. Chemo/Rads 8 erbitux 36 rads began 5/12/2014. End 6/20/2014. Pnuemonia 6/23/2014. 1 month in hospital 3 in rehab. PEt NED 11/8/2014, T3 recurrence DX 3/4/2015. Hemiglossectomy/mandiblectomy 4/27/2015. 30 rads end 07/24/2015. 4 years NED.