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anxiousmark #189672 05-22-2015 04:20 AM
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Hey all,

I just got the results of the ultrasound of my neck. And it has me worried frown

Multiple small to borderline hypoechoic lymph nodes on both sides. The biggest ones being, on the right, 27mm x 09mm and on the left 25 x 07mm

That's rather big, right? Could these already me metastases? frown I read that hypoechoic lymph nodes are signs of metastases...

anxiousmark #189674 05-22-2015 12:56 PM
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"OCF Down Under, Kiwi"
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Mark, what did the doctor say when you were given the results? I don't know what hypoechoic lymph nodes are but I'm sure your doctor can enlighten you. I think you said that you were seeing someone about your anxiety? That will be very helpful for you. It's sad to see a young person subject to such worry. I was always an anxious person and I can tell you now after all these years that it is not worth it. Have a good talk to your doctor and try to relax. Be vigilant about your health but immerse yourself in other enjoyable things!!!

1996, ovarian cancer surgery + cisplatin and taxol.
September, 2007, SCC of left lateral tongue. Excision.
October, 2009 recurrence in scar tissue, T1NOMO. Free flap surgery from left wrist - neck dissection. 63 year old New Zealander. No chemo, no RT.
February, 2014. New primary in left buccal mucosa. Marginal mandibulectomy, neck dissection, right arm free forearm flap. T1N0M0 but third occurrence and some areas of concern: RT started 8 April and finished 19 May.
anxiousmark #189675 05-22-2015 03:47 PM
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Hi Alpaca,

Unfortunately, the doctor didn't say much. He said most likely they are reactive....but most likely doesn't do anything for me atm. He said to take the results with me to the ENT in 2.5 weeks....

I am taking Lorezapam now, about 1mg a day, to calm me down. So far it has worked great...except that now I have a kind of a bad, I dont care attitude...i don't know if that is helpful in coming to the bottom of this...

Last edited by ChristineB; 05-22-2015 06:42 PM. Reason: inappropriate language
anxiousmark #189860 06-08-2015 08:07 PM
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Hi, Mark.

I just got through reading your thread.

I haven't been on the forums for a while.

I'm concerned to see how you are doing.

I hope that all is well since you have gone dark, or I might be missing another thread.

Love and strength in OCF,

37 y/o fem at Dx (23 wks preg @ dx on 3/16/11)
SCC L oral tongue (no risk factors)
L partial gloss/MND 3/28/11 @ 25 wks preg
T1-2N0M0; no rads/chemo
Tonsillectomy on 8/6/12 +SCC L tonsil T2-3N1M0 (HPV-)
Treated with 35 rads/7 carbo & taxol (Rx ended 10/31/12), but many hospitalizations d/t complications from rx.
Various scans since rx ended are NED!
Part of genetic study for rare cancers @ MGH.
44 years old now...I wasn't sure I would make it! Hoping for 40 more!
anxiousmark #189922 06-13-2015 02:32 AM
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Mark how are you? I hope your results put your worries at rest. I hope you are doing well.

I know how stress can take a hold of life, hope to here from you, Sophie

husband 61@diagnosis painter
6/9/13 Exophylic invasive SCC IV(ext.gingivobuccal) 3cm+ mandibular/lytic/erosion, jugular/node9mmshort-axis
17/9/13 Dx(moderately aggressive)
24/10/13 left madiblectomy, mod radical neck disct, leg flap, NGtube
2/01/14 (30 tx)rads 60gy
N2b (2nodes under jaw) (rem. in tiny nerves) (rem. 30 nodes)
Clear margin, close 2mm inner cheek
15/05/14 cellulitis
3/12/14 Chest CT Clear
27/02/15 cellulitis
8/6/15 cellulitis
10/6/15 Osteomyelitis
anxiousmark #190008 06-18-2015 08:08 AM
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Hi everyone,

Sorry for not writing earlier! I just needed a break from everything for a while.

I went to the ENT, he looked at the tonsil, thought it looked only a bit bigger than the other, and then scoped the back of my throat (with this thing that goes through the nose). He said that he saw nothing concerning. He advised me to gargle with salt water, and to come back in a month. So I am a bit calmer now....

What still bothers me though, is that I still have swollen submandibular lymph nodes on both sides. They just won't go down. Oh well. I have decided now to take a step back and let the doctors do their things.

I'm certainly glad there there is nothing worrisome at the moment, at least according to my ENT. (he was from a hospital clinic so I trust his judgment). He also said that it makes little sense to do a biopsy of a healthy looking tonsil. I believe him and now I'll just wait for a month. I don't know why really, since my symptoms are still there...but I guess I just need this to calm down.

Thank you so much to everyone here on this forum that has supported and helped me in this difficult time. You people are amazing!

anxiousmark #190010 06-18-2015 10:16 AM
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Be guided by your doctor, and if needed, they can do a FNAB, Fine Needle Aspirational Biopsy, on the palpable lymph node, even if it's not, with UltraSound Guidance. They do the pathology of the sample taken to show if it's cancer or not, if HPV, and other histology possibly not cancer related, which samples takes 10 minutes to obtain, is relatively painless, in a medical office/hospital, most times with a pathologist, all mine were.

All my office flex scopes, 3, with two separate doctors, showed no sign of cancer in the oropharynx or oral cavity, but did through an FNAB of the lymph node, so they knew I had HNC most likely, and subsequent pandendoscopy, with surgical biopsy, proved positive for small T1 tonsil cancer. Not saying it is, but HPV tonsil/bot may grow faster in the node than in the primary in the oropharynx due to the nutrient rich lymphatics, which also can be microscopic, and not seen visually or by scan or died off at the primary from lack of nutrients when it metastasizes.

A small percentage of patients have an unknown primary that is never found, although the node proves positive, but most eventually are through a PET/CT scan, Ebstein Barr testing, which could indicate nasopharynx, and HPV, in the oropharynx.

Good luck, and hopefully the matter resolves on its own.

10/09 T1N2bM0 Tonsil
11/09 Taxo Cisp 5-FU, 6 Months Hosp
01/11 35 IMRT 70Gy 7 Wks
06/11 30 HBO
08/11 RND PNI
08/12 RND Pec Flap IORT 12 Gy
10/12 25 IMRT 50Gy 6 Wks Taxo Erbitux
10/13 SND
10/13 TBO/Angiograph
10/13 RND Carotid Remove IORT 10Gy PNI
12/13 25 Protons 50Gy 6 Wks Carbo
11/14 All Teeth Extract 30 HBO
03/15 Sequestromy Buccal Flap ORN
09/16 Mandibulectomy Fib Flap Sternotomy
04/17 Regraft hypergranulation Donor Site
06/17 Heart Attack Stent
02/19 Finally Cancer Free Took 10 yrs

anxiousmark #190021 06-18-2015 05:07 PM
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Hey, Mark.

I'm glad that you came back for an update. I totally understand your need to take a break from all of the information. Things can become overwhelming here, so it's good to pace yourself.

I'm glad that you have a follow up in a month. If your symptoms are still persistent, I would certainly push for a biopsy of the nodes and an MRI or CT scan. I don't really know how each scan visualizes your tissues differently, but they do.

My tonsillar cancer did not show up on CT even though my tonsil was huge and painful. They only found the cancer on surgery. This is not to scare you, but you're better safe than sorry.

If your doctor hesitates to do a biopsy and scan, the best thing you can do for yourself is get a second opinion at a cancer center where the ENT (otolaryngologist) is a head and neck cancer specialist. Getting a scan in one of these facilities is also important because there will be trained radiologists reading your scan with a fine tooth comb. Experience matters a lot, especially with head and neck cancers.

I hope this is all for nothing and that you get a clean bill of health! Please come back with any questions and keep us posted.

Love and hope in OCF,

37 y/o fem at Dx (23 wks preg @ dx on 3/16/11)
SCC L oral tongue (no risk factors)
L partial gloss/MND 3/28/11 @ 25 wks preg
T1-2N0M0; no rads/chemo
Tonsillectomy on 8/6/12 +SCC L tonsil T2-3N1M0 (HPV-)
Treated with 35 rads/7 carbo & taxol (Rx ended 10/31/12), but many hospitalizations d/t complications from rx.
Various scans since rx ended are NED!
Part of genetic study for rare cancers @ MGH.
44 years old now...I wasn't sure I would make it! Hoping for 40 more!
anxiousmark #190022 06-18-2015 06:17 PM
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TBH, The results are as I expected. Your initial post stated you suffer with HA and your posts were indicative of what one would expect to see on a HA forum.

I understand how you would fear oral cancer. As cancers go, H&N cancer is one of the nastiest ones.

That being said, I fully expected your results to be negative. Please take those results to heart. Everyone here would be jumping for joy had we gotten your results.

Now, seek help for the illness that is affecting you which is anxiety. Some, including myself have been affected by it. In my case, it came post treatment. I call it "scanxiety". It's fearing that that cancer will return. I sought help in the form of therapy and meds to help me deal with it. At two years out, I'm essentially free of the cancer that afflicted me and a weight has been lifted.

Myself and other members here are dealing with health issues that can bury us six feet under. You and others that suffer from health anxiety and other mental afflictions suffer the same fate above ground. Seek help for your anxiety. That's the best way to treat the physical symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

Cardiac bypass 11/07
Cardiac stents 10/2012
Dx'd 11/30/2012 Tx N2b MO Stage IV HPV+
Palatine Tonsillectomy/Biopsies 12-21-12
Selective Neck Dissection/Lingual Tonsillectomy/biopsies TORS 2/7/13
Emergency Surgery/Bleeding 2/18/13
3/13/2013 30rads/6chemo
Finished Tx 4/24/13
NED Since
anxiousmark #190055 06-23-2015 03:24 AM
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"OCF Canuck"
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Hi Mark, I would always seek a second opinion and get a needle aspiration biopsy. Then you can know why your nodes are swollen. Knowledge is power and knowing releives stress because no matter what the causes are you are taking care of yourself.

After my husband's surgery, I also found a lump in my body. It was just a cyst but I worried when ever I felt it so I went for a second opinion from a repudable specialist which put me at peace. I can check it a couple times a year but I am not worried anymore. I waited about a year in my case because I knew my case was not an emergency and I didn't want to take someone else's spot.

In your case you should book your apointment to be seen as soon as posible, then seek some help to deal with your anxiety. My husband and I saw someone after his treatment and my doctor helped me with my anxiety. When we first found out about his cancer I needed a little medical help for stress, but I only used this a few times while I was having a panic attack.

There is great help out there, the greatest thing my doctor said to me when I worried that Stephen's cancer would return was, "who are you to take away the life he has with your worry? Be there for him and live the life you both have" "No matter what happens, he deserve to live his life fully, and if you take it away with worry while he is a surviver, isn't that a wast"? "Celebrate, love and live while you can".

This was my family doctor's words and it woke me out of a dark dark deepening tunnel.

Keep positive, Sophie

husband 61@diagnosis painter
6/9/13 Exophylic invasive SCC IV(ext.gingivobuccal) 3cm+ mandibular/lytic/erosion, jugular/node9mmshort-axis
17/9/13 Dx(moderately aggressive)
24/10/13 left madiblectomy, mod radical neck disct, leg flap, NGtube
2/01/14 (30 tx)rads 60gy
N2b (2nodes under jaw) (rem. in tiny nerves) (rem. 30 nodes)
Clear margin, close 2mm inner cheek
15/05/14 cellulitis
3/12/14 Chest CT Clear
27/02/15 cellulitis
8/6/15 cellulitis
10/6/15 Osteomyelitis
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