Hi Friends. It's been a long time since I've posted. Just thought that I would let you all know that we've called in Hospice as things here have gotten worse. Jim can no longer stand or walk. Each day he is getting weaker. I've been by his side for a year and a half, hoping that treatment would work. But, it did not. All those treatments were in vain. I am so very very sad and tears cover my face all day and night. Looking at him suffer is more than I can handle. Where did my strong energetic husband go ? Where is he ?

Husband 2/3 tongue removed March 2008. Free flap. . Stage IV. Radiation and 3 chemo's (cisplatin,taxol & erbitux). .Pet scan Aug 08 showed mets to lungs .Oct 08, recurrence. - In the arms of Jesus, July 15, 2009