Thanks for your response! Honestly I have no idea how I got the report and the scans...I called the Radd dept asking if they had given the info to my dr, because I had not heard from him. I was desperate, yes. They told me after the scans someone would be calling. They said that I was allowed to come pick them up and they were free. So, no clue.

It was a PET/CT. No MRI. I will be calling tomorrow morning. Thanks for the info!

11.25.08 SCC of tongue diagnosed @ age 23 T2N2cM0
12.20.2008 Partial glossectomy & left neck dissection. Clear margins.
6.24.09-Pet Scans show 2 areas of concern
8.5.09-Recurrence-Perotid Gland and swollen node removal
9.29.09 Carboplatin & Taxol x8 Tomo x39