Thanks, Donna
Yes, I still have the PEG. I'm finally getting about 50%+ of my calories in orally, but some days swallowing is still a challenge. I'm still learning to swallow down into my throat, not up into (and out of) my nose. Getting better with practice. I had the RND, tonsilectomy, and PEG install all done at the same time. It was one-stop shopping!

Dana, Male, Age 52, DX 11/08
SCC right tonsil, Stage 3. RND, tonsilectomy, and PEG install done collectively 12/26/08, Cisplatin x3, IMRT x35. Post-TX PET clear 9/09, PEG removed 9/09, PEG stoma surgical repair 9/17/09. Dx renal cell carcinoma 11/09. Partial nephrectomy 01/10.