I've been reading this site for several weeks now, and figure it's time to say hello and thank all of you for all of your posts. They have done much to help me to get to through things thus far. Our family began dealing with cancer when our only grandchild, Joey, was diagnosed with lymphoma when he was seven years old. We lost him on 6/02/07. He was nine. Now, it appears that it's my turn to fight. When my diagnosis came, I was frightened, confused, and still trying to catch my breath from the loss of Joey. I became frustrated by the lack of pertinent information available online. When my wife discovered this site, we found a wealth of first-hand advice and specific information to help me with issues such as eating difficulties, pain management, and my PEG tube. My chemo and radiation ended in March 2009, and I am finally coming out of the fog. My wish is to thank all of you by offering my own experience, especially to anyone who might be where I was eight months ago. I hope that my presence here will be of some benefit to the group. Nice to meet you all!

Dana, Male, Age 52, DX 11/08
SCC right tonsil, Stage 3. RND, tonsilectomy, and PEG install done collectively 12/26/08, Cisplatin x3, IMRT x35. Post-TX PET clear 9/09, PEG removed 9/09, PEG stoma surgical repair 9/17/09. Dx renal cell carcinoma 11/09. Partial nephrectomy 01/10.