Walknlite, I am glad you brought that up specifically. I have pain in mine, and the pain does radiate into my ear and neck when it's bad (like right now). Advil helps with the ear and neck, but the local pain is always there. It's really bad today because the doctor poked it so much yesterday.

I'm wondering--when yours hurt, was it a raw kind of pain, or did it feel like it was hurting from the inside out and more kinda pressure sensitive? Mine is both right now, but I do have a sore there. So the raw pain seems to be the sore, and then the lump itself hurts if you press on it.

Called the dentist today and explained my issue, and they said not to come in but to make an appointment with an oral surgeon instead. They gave me a referral and I have an appointment on Monday morning (I couldn't believe they got me in so fast). Wish me luck, everyone.

Off to fill my lidocaine prescription because my mouth is hurting a lot today.