I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I should be worried. I just can't figure out what this could be. It's sort of a lump thing way on the back of my tongue. You almost can't see it it's so for back. But it feels like there's something stuck in my throat. I thought it was my tonsil for a while, but I realized that it's actually this bump. I have had weird sores appear around the bump. they look like giant pimples with white heads on them. Never seen anything in my mouth like this. The sores are not ulcers, as I get those fairly often and know what that's like. These are raised bumps. One was the size of a small pea or a little larger than a BB with a big white head on top (like a bump on the bump). Then that one disappeared and now I have a white bump on the other side, but I couldn't get a picture of it because of its location. But it looks like a skin tag except it's all white and very painful. The tissue around the area generally looks... irregular and weird, but the moving around of the sores is very odd. Anyway, looking about online, I can't find anything like it anywhere. It's all fairly localized, at the very back/side of the right side of my tongue. The main bump (the one that feels like something is in my throat) is kind of hard/firm, and tender to touch.

Any insight would be most helpful. Again, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for sure.

Here are two pictures of the big bump.

