Thanks Joanna, that was just what I needed at this time, some positive feedback from someone. I guess the surgery has me very concerned as well. They are talking about an airway(temporary), a feeding tube(temporary), speech therapy and changing what I will be able to eat as well as a long road to recovery. I trust my surgeon,as he has done all my past surgery. He is a well respected plastic surgeon that has been working hand in hand with the clinic. But, they are so evasive about giving you answers. They just kept telling me they will not know anything more until they open me up and get inside to see what they are facing. In any of the past procedures I was not as nervous/scared as I am now. I would like to get more definate answers before surgery and wake up after the surgery to a lot of surprises. This may not be at all realistic on my part, but that is how I am feeling.