First of all, David, Welcome! You have come to a place where there are many caring, and experienced people. Secondly, take a deep breath. Now, a T1 staging seems like it was caught early and small, which is very encouraging. It seems to me, and I am not a doc, that if it is small and nothing else is involved, surgery to remove this small tumor is just the ticket, and then you get on with your life. Do NOT get caught up in the statistics game, for heaven's sake. What happens to you is the only important thing, not what happens to others with different circumstances. The fact that you caught this new one early means that you have remained vigilant, for which you are to be congratulated. If you read the posts on this forum, you will see that early detection is the key to long-term survival. You are at that point, David, so it is not time to panic. You have a 100% batting average thus far, and you can beat this one too! Let us know how things go for you. We are group of people who all wish we did not qualify for membership, but I have found that fate or whatever determines these things, has placed some very special people here. Let us know how we can help.