Hi Sandy,
I am new to this, but I just completed 5 years after IMRT radiation and surgery for OC. I did not have to have a feeding tube but it got close. Everyday after radiation I would go to Foster Freeze and eat a big vanilla cone and in the last few weeks sipped canned liquide meals. I am not familiar w/Tomotherpy, but I had difficutly swallowing for several years after. Nothing that I couldn't deal with, just had to make sure I took small bites or I would choke, taste buds came back in about 6 months and saliva improved over the next 2 years and everything is pretty much normal - Good luck and one day at a time you should put this behind you - Dave

2002 diagnosed w/Squamous Cell carcinoma in the lymph, lumpectomy, right neck dissection and IMRT radiation. 5 year cancer free