Hopefully, the ongoing trials will provide some more concrete information about the progress and management of what seems to be developing as a distinct subset of OC. If the ultimate goal is a cure or vaccine for the causal factor itself... i.e. HPV, and the interim goal is dramatically increased awareness about that factor; then I can guarantee you that throngs of people are going to start asking these and many other questions as it relates to their perceived risk AS that awareness level rises.

For years the mainstay of concern when it comes to STD education has been HIV, which has had the lion's share of attention, and rightfully so. Now the public is being made aware of a new and serious threat, and learning that their risk of developing it is on an order of magnitude substantially higher than they ever could have perceived with any other major STD. We are going to begin seeing an entirely new demographic of concerned individuals that fall outside of the "norm" for what is considered the typical age AND risk factor for this group. And these are people that will want answers to their questions.

I believe that though it should be handled with caution, and despite the fact that is definitely in a preliminary stage, its still pertinent information... I also think Dr. Gillison et al should be commended for their dedicated and expedient response to this crisis. Hopefully the information provided earlier in this thread will prove fruitful and this can be treated from a more chronic standpoint. As a side effect, I believe awareness about the disease as a whole will also increase dramatically, and that is a major step regardless of what factors cause the disease to begin with.

Just my opinion of course.