Is the information on facebook the same as on the main OCF site? I would prefer to send people to the main OCF website where they would be exposed to more OCF information.
I don't think I will ever go on facebook or anything like it as I don't trust these sites. Look how they changed the "terms" and then reversed when people noticed. (Sorry: internet security is a pet peeve - I don't want to start a new thread here).

SCC stage II Partial mandibulectomy w. neck dissection- July 2005. Renal cancer w. partial nephrectomy-Jan 2004. Breast cancer discovered in routine mammogram. Successful lumpectomy, sentinal nodes clear, RT only-2008 Reconstruction of mandible w fibula free flap-Jan 09. TORS removal of begnin pappiloma from esophagus-2010. Masectomy,rt breast 2013.
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