2 years ago today,my first post.God how naive i was then.
Thanks Brian and all my family here for guiding our way,and helping me to become a better human being (i think lol).David as i have said before your honesty was and continues to be quite brutal at first glance,but so very very honest..

[quote]Hi my name is Liz and my husband Robin is 44 years old and about to embark on the roller coaster ride that is radiotherapy.He was diagnosed with primary scc of the right side of the tongue and a secondary tumour on the left side of his jaw and neck on December 8th.Since then he has had the primary removed with laser therapy, had a bilateral radical neck dissection and removal of the secondary tumour.This treatment is being finished of with six weeks off radiotherapy to both sides of his mouth and the floor.This was decided to be the best treatment because tests and scans have not revealed how the cancer spread from the right to the left side so they do not actually know if they have got all the cells.I am a long since retired SRN and have read a great deal about radiotherapy and i would be very grateful for any tips,help and advice on how to deal with internal and external side effects of this
aggressive treatment.
Robin is a blue eyed fair skinned red head,will this make skin damage worse?What are the best cremes and lotions to use,what should we avoid?How long before eating becomes difficult .Does it hurt? will he be able to work?(he is a plumber)i have a million questions maybe someother peoples experiences will help me to help him.I would be grateful

Liz in the UK

Husband Robin aged 44 years Dx 8th Dec 2006 poorly differentiated SCC tongue with met to neck T1N2cM0 Surgery and Radiation.Finished TX April 2007
Recurrence June/07 died July 29th/07.

Never take your eye off the ball, it may just smack you in the mouth.