Please don't let this terrible DEMON of a disease win by not only taking Neil but stealing your Faith. None of us knows why bad things happen to good people, but they do. Lord knows, if anyone deserves to feel down, you do. I'm fixated on cancer song lyrics today so here's one for you when you feel like it's all too much with too many balls to juggle.
Well hey, even the greatest juggler drops a ball or two
The question still remains what then does one do?
This ball got too heavy and I dropped it for a sec
Good a time as any to do a little check
God knows I ain't superman - Never claimed to be
I must confess this was a test I thought was behind me.
Now, dragons have a way of creeping up on you
Giving you some time to figure out what you will do.
But demons are a different beast and catch you unawares
They sting the soul and make fear become your only care
DAMN those demons and the speed at which they fly
You think they're gone but then they're back to spit into your eye.