I am frustrated with what I feel are harmful delays to Ron's treatment. The first surgery in 2005 was quick. He got his diagnosis on July 21 and was in surgery on August 3. He then had his Port and Peg placed on September 2 and within 10 days started his IMRT and Chemo regimen. Then his first recurrence happened in July of 08. He was diagnosed by visualization by his first surgeon on August 13. He then waited until September 30 to have his salvage surgery. Now his third cancer. He had a routine PET scan November 11, which lit up in 4 areas of his mouth and neck. Some of his doctors thought the PET was too soon, but it turned out to be accurate. He does have a large cancer in the floor of mouth, wrapping around the side of his tongue. During this time, the doctors kept changing their minds about what should be done. His MO wanted to start
Erbitux right away, so we made an appointment for Port placement. Then we saw him a week later and the tumor board had met and discussed Ron and they decided that he needed another surgery. So we were told to "sit tight" on chemo. So it is now January, and nothing has been done. We do have a surgery date for February 2, but my question is, is this kind of wait normal for active cancers?? It just seems to me that we are just letting it grow larger and larger. There is Perineral Invasion, which actually accelerates the spread of tumor. Anyone have any thoughts on this or is this fairly normal?