Charm - please note this is from an unregulated and unverified BLOG site. Which means the information may or may not be true. Having said that, most of the things on the list, sound horrible, but you have to consider something very important about them VOLUME OF EXPOSURE. Everything in the world, if enough quantity will be bad for you. Even oxygen. So the inverse is also true, even very strong toxins, solvents etc. in micro exposure have very little impact on us. We are exposed to thousands of them at these kinds of levels everyday. We know that radiation causes cancer. thousands of people under the nuclear blst in Japan showed us that, but you willingly get in a dental chair and have X rays, RADIATION, without a second thought. This is because the volume of exposure, even though accumulative (in radiation but not necessarily in any of the things on the list) is at a level which is going to do you no harm.

I big on hammering on tobacco and the 400 carcinogens it is known to contain. Truth is that most of them are not the contributors to lung cancer. But a few of them are really bad.

So this long list on an unverified site has provided you with information which may or may not be valid, and has not even passed the test of volume of exposure bias.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.