Hi all, and first off sorry for delay in replying to this. I do have an opinion on this subject, and am actually quite passionate about it. I know all treatment doesn't work for everybody. However.....accupuncture was life changing for my husband. We go to Dr. Richard Niemtzow in Maryland. Found him about two years ago, and because we live on the West Coast tried to find someone closer who would do what he did. Failing there, we made an appt. with him, flew there (with no guarantees, mind you but we had NOTHING to lose). Curt's quality of life was so diminished with his complete dry mouth. Anyway, he looked at all the radiation records, evaluated Curt and said he thought he could help. Basically we fly in on Friday night, stay at a hotel near his office that he recommended, then Curt has an appt. on Saturday a.m. and Sunday a.m. (about an hour each). Needless to say, he had very positive results on the first visit. Almost unbelievable. As stated earlier, he had abolutely NO saliva. Always carries a water bottle. Constantly wetting his mouth. After the first treatment, we left the office with sugar free breath saver candies, with instruction to suck on every two hours (that's something he couldn't do since pre Cancer. Then we walked around the National Mall in 80 degree weather for over four hours. Curt did not need to wet his mouth at all. Now, I don't think he'd say the return was "normal", or even "great", but certainly "good" and life changing. (He's a teacher and coach so is constantly talking. This treatment certainly makes his job easier.) On the plane home, we both cried. We wanted to shout it to the world! He's an amazing man, and we love him! Very nice, professional, positive, real, experienced. He�s a board certified MD, a Colonel in the USAF.

The reality of it, however, is the results are temporary. After the first visit, Curt was with saliva for about 7 months. Then it was gone. So, we made another appt. (and Dr. Niemtzow is very quick to get you scheduled) and he had again good results. We are due to go back for a third time in January.

Again, there are no guarantees. But it worked for Curt, so we're very positive about it. What we learned from research and talking with Dr. Niemtzow is that he believes you only need two treatments. In fact the last time, he had such good results on the first day that he said Curt may not need the second appt. (but he still kept it since we had come so far and wanted to be sure of positive results!) I�ve read other posts where people have tried accupuncture and go consistently/indefinitely with varying results. I can only vouge for this Dr. and his results with Curt. Check out his website: www.N5EV.com and email him. He's very good at getting back to you quickly!
Hope this helps!

Wife/Caregiver to husband Curt, 49. Tonsil SCC. Chemo and radiation completed July 2005.