I, also, wonder how many OC patients have ever had questioning re: some rather 'benign' activities/history, such as some of the lil' day to day stuff. Christa was seen at 3 Major Centers and never was anything asked like these questions. Only the 'biggies': family history, known environmental dangers...etc. Just simple curiosity that could turn out to be a help in the fight. Certainly, nothing earth shattering. BUT, David, if 20 people had 80% of them the same, who is to say 750,000 may not have 80% of them? Prolly, seems like looking for a needle in a haystack, right? Someone needs to start somewhere. It would be very interesting to know what kind of questions were asked of oral cancer patients? And, since there is such a rapid rise in young people with no risk factors, what MAY be similar to them and their habits/history.
I, certainly, am no expert, not techi in research.....only a concerned friend of Oral Cancer Patients. Glad to see other interest posted here. Also, thanks for other interest shared. It does seem worthwhile....???
Maybe, just not the right way to begin. But, Maybe, Brian and his crew can put something together. What would it prove? possibly Nothing! BUT, possibly some lil' thing.....
Susan, thanks, and the 6 young people were not in immediate area. My daughter and another in her city, 2 in Chicagoland, and a friend of Kates in California and one in Indiana. That is just that I know of.......all within the past year, in their early 30's, with rapid disease, no 'typical' risk factors. That is too many!!!!

Take care all, thanks for sharing.