That would be my dream patient even with everything being normal Pete...add a detachable tongue and I'll buy the first thousand units that come off your production line!!

All kidding aside, I also apologize for my sometimes insensitive humor, every dentist has limited Range of Motion patients (ROM) and I dread trying to work inside an already limited space in such a patient. I still do it though...why because I'm a dentist and if I apply my knowledge, skill, experience, technology and discuss everything with the patient in advance there is not much we can't accomplish.
The key is finding a dental professional who will listen to you, appreciate your ROM problem and make a treatment plan that accomplishes your limitations.
I firmly believe that given proper planning and communication that situations such as yours should not be pawned off to the "specialist or other guy".
It won't be easy for you and whomever decides to work "with" you. You may have to compromise on the ideal treatment, and it may be expensive but, I doubt that it is impossible.
For example; if you only have a 14 mm vertical opening; that is a challenge, (I like challenges in my practice, keeps my brain young, providing I am prepared for them) has anyone tested if a muscle relaxant with or without a mouth prop or even sedation for that matter gives a little more room. If all else fails you may even want to consider a general anaesthetic and have an oral surgeon dislocate your jaw have all the teeth fixed, have your dislocation reduced and then go through the recovery whatever it may be. (I am not endorsing this and have never heard of it being done. I do know however from personal experience that when I used to work in the hospital with patients under GA that I dislocated a few joints from too much pressure or opening a mouth prop too much and those patients made out fine with no long term problems.)
I guess my point is if you are willing to help someone work to find a solution even if it is not ideal, you will, over time, be able to find a reasonable solution.
I know you are frustrated and feel that no one wants to be bothered to even try to help you. That sucks!! Been there done that...not with OC but with my sarcoma.
I'm more than willing to try and answer any questions you may have and try to help you. Contact me anytime.
I'll be looking into this type of situation because if it can be done I'll find out how? and who? and let you know.
All the best and sorry for the ramble.


Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.