I agree the healing is definatly got my attention...but I just don't feel all that bad and then the twinges and the reconnection to feelings nerves coming alive again...it really hurts...phsyio wow....and well I am starting to feel a bit closterphobic want to get out and do but tend to do too much and pay for it...i am still looking for that happy medium. I really want to go back to the sausage cart but it is getting late in the season and well I know not quite strong enough for that and my family would make sure I don't...It is also hard first thing in the morning when i am the most swollen it is like the bottom lip disappears...need a bib to drink a coffee ...lol...anyway how is your eating going ...still a hungry bear do you have any answers?

Take dare folks time to rest for a bit again

Dianne..treatment at cc at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario...insulin dependant, Surgery Sept 8/08 Tracheotomy,composite resection and bilateral neck dissection, left radial forearm free flap... T2N0 squamous cell carcinoma. No radiation A little over 2 yrs clear YAY