I could hardly believe my ears today when my doctor looked at me and smiled and said NO RADIATION! You are clear...I hugged him and just cried...I did my little jig and had group hugs with everybody....

I would like to thank all who listened to me whine and carry on and for the support everyone has been so good now it is just the healing...Slow going have an infection got all stitches out today...

I am starting to get feeling back which is a good thing but it hurts alot...but I am going to get better next appointment is in six weeks...

Gosh this is such a good feeling and I am so relieved I really admire those who had a bigger fight with cancer because I know what it has taken to get this far... Anyway will post more later have been up since 7 am to go to dr appointment and then home and few errands am beat....talk to you all later...have a great day grin

Dianne..treatment at cc at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario...insulin dependant, Surgery Sept 8/08 Tracheotomy,composite resection and bilateral neck dissection, left radial forearm free flap... T2N0 squamous cell carcinoma. No radiation A little over 2 yrs clear YAY