Now, see? You all have helped me already. I suffer from a horribly, unbelievably dry mouth, but didn't like the Biotine stuff they gave me then. I've been joking to friends that I ought to carry a can of Pam cooking spray - especially if I get my teeth. I'm so glad I found this site. I'm surrounded by family and friends, but have been pretty isolated for the last almost 2 years from others who are dealing with these issues. I've got Biotine spray on my shopping list. Thank you!

SCC part glossectomy 3/06, recur 8/06 glossectomy, floor of mouth, part of jaw removed, RT/chemo thru 10/12/06, PET clear 7/08
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn"
Passed away 12/14/08