Thanks I have been trying to find stuff out not real computer literate...Didn't want to cross any lines of the site trying to be respectful. I am not sure I am understanding the difference between alternative and complementary. I thought they were the same thing. Complementary and alternative both being diet, vitamins, which add to surgery. Is not radiation and chemo a complementary to the cure of surgery. Guess I must be totally mixed up with all of this and will go back and try to find the place where you talked about "new" ideas. I didn't think I could put up the site I was at but it is Saint Joseph Medical Center not sure where it is but I just stumbled upon it.

Thanks guys...

Dianne..treatment at cc at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario...insulin dependant, Surgery Sept 8/08 Tracheotomy,composite resection and bilateral neck dissection, left radial forearm free flap... T2N0 squamous cell carcinoma. No radiation A little over 2 yrs clear YAY