Hi Tom,

Tell them everything, but be strong. I once said to my wife, "I don't think I can do this anymore". She looked at me and said bluntly, "You don't have a choice".

My wife was amazed by what I (we) went through. But, we can do it!!!

We all know it is hard, but it can be done.

Esp. tell your care givers. They need to know about pain, etc.

And on 'REAL MEN'. It's OK to tough some things out. Right now, use evey available resource to minimize pain and increase your own comfort. You have a few weeks left, and I'm sorry, but they are the hardest. Each day is hard, but your care givers have a lot of solutions for pain, and any other obsticle you may face. LET THEM KNOW.

Plus, keep us posted. We will help any way we can.


SCC, base of tongue, 2 lymph nodes, stage 3/4. 35 X's IMRT radiation, chemo: Cisplatin x 2, 5FU x2, & Taxol x2. Hooray, after 3 years I'm in still in remission.