Your introduction would never bore this fine group of wonderful people. I'm sure we all take a breath before we read the introductions from new people because none of us would ever wish this on our worst enemy. It also bring back a lot of emotions for us all.
I never really got emotional about my diagnosis until after my surgery as well. I think it is because I was so busy trying to intelligently interpret all of the information I was getting from so many doctors that I was way too preoccupied. 21 days in a hospital bed gives you time to think, emotions set in.
You seem very upbeat and positive try and keep that up because it will only help you.
Ask any questions you want, post your thoughts, experiences and even vent if you feel the need. You have friends here and we may not have all the answers but, you will know that you are not alone.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Contact me anytime if you wish.

Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.