Hey Sweetie!
So sorry to hear of your struggles with tongue cancer. My gosh I can't believe this hit yu at 23! I too didn't relaly have risk factors. I did smoke for a little bit and drank beer and wine on occassion but the Drs. don't think that was what caused it... just bad luck.. and maybe dentistry (that's my theory as I have a lot of fillings implants etc ...) I had the same surgery radiation and chemo as you did but i have 90% of my tongue removed. You are gonna do great. I am a year out and am doing 1001 times better than I ever ever thought I would be. I am 25- this hit me when I was 33- I know I'm a little older but it is different to go through this at a younger age - so if you have any ?s or need some support pls don't hesitate to email/pm me
HANG IN THERE! You are almost done