There is not TODAY a good mechanism other than biopsy and then PCR testing to check for HPV to be 100 percent certain. There is likely to be a mouth swab or swish test in the next 36 months based on the Digene brush cytology test that is FDA approved for testing for HPV on the cervix. Problem with mouth testing is that is a big area and while we know the areas it likes to go to (tonsil, tonillar crypt, tonsillar pillar, base of tongue and oropharynx) that is still a lot of geography. The general opinion for now is that HPV likes to go to the sqamous cells of your body, which line every opening to your body and the cavities associated with them, which also have moist squamous cells on them. This is the mouth, the vaginal area and cervix, the anus and the penis for now. New data is coming out weekly. The HPV page of the OCF web site is constantly being updated with the latest articles in their full PDF format for those that wish to get the most current information. Small studies that have not been replicated are not there at this time, we only post articles that we are 100% sure of the data they contain.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.