My PEG tube came out in October, 2007 after convincing my doctor that I hadn't used it for a month and my weight had not dropped. At first if something wasn't slathered in sauce or gravy it couldn't be eaten. Bread and potatoes just plugged my mouth and were avoided. Now I can eat pretty much anything, though I still take it easy on bread. I have found that small bites and lots of water helps. The problem is that it takes forever to eat. The smaller bites and plenty of chewing starts to convinence my brain that I full long before I have eaten enough. Sometimes my jaw starts to ache from the excessive chewing, but I try to ignore it. The excess water also fills me up faster. All in all, though, it great to be eating real food and trying new things to see which I can and can't eat.

SCC lf tonsil. Tx started 03/07/07,39 rads,8 docetaxel & 4 bevacizumab. Re-occured 02/19/08 back of throat. Tx35 rads 8 chemo. Tx started 05/05/08. PEG re-inserted April,2007.