Hi Jim,

My dad had 5 tubes inside, and 5 tubes outside his cheek.
He honestly said it didn't bother him at all, not during, and not after. He said that it was much easier than IMRT for him.
I hope this eases your mind, hopefully it will be the easiest treatment of all for you as well.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love from Wooster,

Dad had oral lichens planus, and oral leukoplakia before T2 SCC,2 nodes.
IMRT 12/29/03.30 rad,3 boost.
Brachytherapy 3/8-3/11/04.
Recurrence Nov07 Stage IV.
4 Surgeries
No rads, no chemo
I have oral lichens planus,
thrush,leukoplakia 2/20/08
6/2/08 biopsies "inflammation"