Hi All,

Since my last post it has been a very rough ride. DH has not been able to tolerate any sort of chemo, his bloods kept crashing to near fatal on 2 occasions, so his doc tried different things same results, he was in hospital so much he joked about changing his address to theirs. He is now on Erbitux (sp?) that seems to be okay, just vomiting day after treatment, but it passes, will have another pet in 4 weeks time to see what the progression is (hoping none!)
Take care of yourselves

Sammie + a sleeping Rich!

C/G to Husband Richard SCC Op 4/1/2005 T2N0M0,Neck disection, 35% of tongue removed.
Reoccurance 3/2007,Lymph Node same side Positive SCC, Swelled to 2.5 inches. IMRT X35 Cis X3 Completed 33 IMRT Cis x2 carbo X1 MET to lungs post treatment 10/04/2007
Passed peacefully 31st July 2008.