I'm glad I'm not alone down here in the dumps. I'm about eight weeks out from my last treatment. In the meantime, the Doc had me undergo a biopsy and in the process the stiff tissues in my mouth allowed my palate to rip when the ENT was trying to get his fingers in position. That set me back a bit. I am bored stiff sitting at home alone, sick of sleeping all day and never feeling rested, tired of liquid nutrition (Jevity) to the point of throwing up from the smell, yet unable to eat more than a bite or two of normal food the normal way.

I keep reminding myself to feel lucky. My biopsy came back clear, I am not in the middle of a hurricane or Darfur, or a mine collapse or any number of other, horrific situations. When I look at it that way, sitting in my chair moping doesn't seem like such a bad thing after all.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, epithelioma-like carcinoma. (T2ANOMO IIa). Completed 35 rad treatments June 19, 2007.
"When god closes one door he opens another; but sometimes it's hell in the hallway."