Dear Barb,

My husband is 8 weeks post treatment for tongue and throat cancer and is still not eating very much. He has had bouts with thrush, but the radiation burns to his tongue are slow in healing. We are using Nutren for his tube, but to this I add protein powder such as Isopure(available at GNC)or Miracle Protein (Miracle Health Products 818-991-8771),chocolate or plain milk, 1/2 banana, 1 tsp. peanut butter and 2 scoops ice cream in a blender to make a hocolate peanut butter shake. I also use strawberries and V-8 Fusion with vanilla protein powder and ice cream for a fruit smoothie. He can pour this down his tube and sip some with a straw. Just remember to keep it thin enough for the PEG tube and flush afterward. Make the shakes with his medical food but make them taste good and increase the protein. Protein is needed to heal!
Good Luck and hope this helps.
