Barb, hi. I'm almost twelve weeks post tx and I barely eat a mouses meal at night. I drink 2 full meals (16 oz. 910 calories) then at dinner I will drink 1 ensure plus and try to eat something. Last night it was about a third of a chicken tender and 20 oz of water. It took that much water to wash it down. I know there is no way for me to be eating meals, I would burst with the amount of fluid it would take to get enough solids down to match the calories of the supplement drinks. At six weeks my throat was still very raw and the thrush was full blown. At six weeks I was drinking three meals, 16 oz a piece and 910 calories per meal. Total 2730 calories. I added weight and felt ok. Good Luck.
Lee, age 33, stage 4a, T2N2bM0, Tumor left tonsil (removed), 2 left side nodes removed (poorly differientiatied)total of 3 nodes involved. Treatment IMRT x33/ 2x Cysplatin completed. Good Health and Good Help to you. Lee