Hi all!

I know it's been a while since my last visit- good to see a lot of familiar people still here! Penny is doing pretty good! Her daughter was married at the end of April and she was able to attend in good form. She is off all med's with the exception of an antidepressant which I think is helping somewhat. She does get confused from time to time- hard to say if this is her new normal. The thing is.. she is still so thin- again only 102 at nearly 5'9". She has the PEG still and will until Sept at least they say, but she really tries to do most orally. A lot of choking and then more choking..
and she can not open her mouth very wide still - so thus she really doesn't "eat" much. Have you any tips about swallowing exercises? She was to attend a class for swallowing but has yet to hear back from her ENT and guess she is reluctant to follow-up. That's just Penny. Overall she is nearly to the 6 month mark - and I'd say improving each day for the most part- just wish she could chunk up a little.

Be well all!


Sister is Stage 4 DIAG 9/06 Tongue/Tonsil /T4N1MO - BOT -right lateral/crossed midline-42 X IMRTS/ Carbo/Taxol for 7 weeks- finished treatment early 12/06-no trace to be found 1/24/07 Recurrence 12/09- rad neck and partial gloss 2/10