I am so sorry to hear of your news. I am also very sorry you are hurting. This is a real suck thing for him to do and ungrateful doesn't even scratch the surface. Something similar happened to my friend Rod. In the worst part of his treatment after his 3rd chemo treatment his girl started her crap. He knew something was wrong when he was in the hospital and she didn't come to visit.Her friends and drinking were more important. Shortly after that she left for another man. He was very, very sick when she left. I think thats why his depression and self esteem were so bad. He didn't have teeth and was very thin, he thinks this is why she left. frown This doesn't even begin to tell you how horrible she was to him the whole time, when he was the one who took her and her three kids into his home and gave them the world. A week before his treatment started, he was putting a pool in for her kids. frown It all makes me very livid to think about. But all I can say is...live for you now.I don't know why people do the terrible things they do to each other but they do. Maybe right now he isn't thinking clearly...who knows!Maybe he will come to realize what he's done...maybe it will be too late???? Just take care of you!And I agree with the above, couseling may do a world of good for you! Let us know how your doing! Will be thinking of you & God bless!Maureen

maureen (friend to Rod SCC tonsil diag. Mar 04 stage 4 -concurrent rad. & chemo) Finished tx July 04