Hi, I know how you all feel,I look better than I use to, and I have more surgery coming in October, but I have had the stares, people who go by and I hear them say, she must of been in a car accident.People who stare are RUDE.I am amazed that someone could do it. I saw a woman walk into something in a store trying to turn around to get a better look at me. My family says consider the source, but it hurts, for the first time in my life I do not like to put myself in new situations where there are people who do not know me as I am now.I did go to lunch with the girls I use to work with. It was great! They all hugged me and said I was just as fiesty as before. I was almost sick to my stomach before I got there, I feel safest in the life with my family and friends. That is not good . I am working on this. One thing I have found if I am shopping I always go the check out that has a High School or College student working it. They never blink an eye , my sister thinks its because they expect anyone over 30 to be a little odd looking anyway! I think she is right. I do this because the older gals talk to me real slow like if I look odd I must be mentally slow.Some people have no manners and they probably treat most people rudely . The problem is it still hurts and if you haven't experienced it, you can not imagine how much. The thing that is really sad is some people because of birth defects have had to deal with this there whole lives. I hope I was never one of those people who turned their heads to look! Do not let them stop you from going out and doing things, you will only hurt yourself.Life is to be enjoyed by all, be happy about how you feel being out and about.

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000