Well said, Mark... makes a lot of sense to me... My wife and I have had this sugar debate a lot, and your explanation makes sense -- we don't really need all that refined sugar anyway, and I was getting tons by drinking 3-6 Cokes a day (or more) before my diagnosis... I'm a water and juice man now (homemade veggie and fruit juices not storebought ones with lots of added sugar)

I haven't gone total veggie, for reasons you mentioned above (plus I do want to keep calories up), but we are definitely spending a lot of time in the produce aisle. We spent more than an hour shopping for fruits and veggies tonight, and I was actually excited about eating all of the fresh things we bought... it just feels good to eat well...

Tongue cancer (SCC), diagnosed Oct. 2003 (T2 N0 M0). Surgery to remove tumor. IMRT Radiation 30x in Dec 2003 - Jan. 2004. Recurrence lymph node - radical neck dissection June 2004. Second round of rad/chemo treatments ended Sept. 2004.