So comforting, Mandi, I`ve been dreaming about rainbows, isn`t life magic if we take the time to notice. The days my neighbor was buried, who I cared for, her daughter and I sat on my front porch and watched the most beautiful sunset, and we cried, and we knew it was from Carrie. I don`t even need to ask Frank for signs, sometimes I think he just takes over my body......but, every night I do ask him to let me dream of many good memories are coming daughter, who lived with us in Pa....and spent time in Maine with us, were chatting the other night and more memories came back. I`d like to see her get on the Board, because she knew him so well, in time she will, but she`s one of those people who deals with things by not dealing with them......she lived through all this with me, she was the only one I shared my fears with, I could say to her I`m really scared but she and my son Nick never let me down.......Nick would tell me how strong I was and how proud he was of me. I think I`m digressing now, nothing new for me.........but my kids and I have been into the remember when stuff.............the good memories, long forgotten.........I learned over the past 5 years to live in the here and now........yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come, the present is now, enjoy it, it`s a present...........Hugs to My baby BA...........Dee