Again, thanks for the great advice. Realized I have more to say though. Am getting similar responses from everyone (i.e. 'Go now. Don't wait. Do whatever you have to do.'). To date, he's been 'playing by the rules', trying not to tic of anyone in the system. All along I've thought there was no time to worry about that but he's an extrememly headstrong man & and has always tended to become 'aggitated' when I suggest something that doesn't fit in with his game plan. . . .and when he gets 'aggitated', lets just say rational communication fails. I've also been concerned about scaring him (the concern he most vocalized is that he may loose some ability to speak), but you all have confirmed I need start playing hardball. I'm going to speak to his mother first but think she'll agree I need to print off these e'mails (to back me up) and give them to him to read tonight. Opinions? Suggestions?
Thanks for all your help.
P.S. For days I've been trying (unsuccessfully)to get him to take advantage of this wonderful forum and contact one of you surviors personally. He keeps saying he will but, doesn't. I know most any of you could provide him a personal wake-up call like none I can. Suggestions?

CG 2 fianc