Hi Sarah:

I think it also comes in waves. I used to post regularly then went through a kind of "freaked out" period when being on the board reminded me too much of cancer (kind of ridiculous given the point of the board, right?) so I had to reflect on what that was about before I could return. I now realize I was so fearful of recurrence for the person I love that I couldn't see past that fear to help others a for a bit. Now I realize how much I missed out on because helping others helps me feel less afraid and more supported in my own emotions be they positive, negative, or terrified (not uncommon and probably won't be going away any time soon).

As Gary said, your sister may or may not find solace here but you can and that, in turn, will help her immeasurably.



Wife of Dave,diagnosed with Stage III Tonsillar SCC,August '02
Modified radical neck dissection followed by radiation therapy
'There is glory and radiance in the darkness and to see we have only to look"