Another thing....scrutinize all documents. My husband has a life insurance policy that we pay premiums on through automatic debit from our checking account each month. I have gotten so used to seeing that statement that I never really paid attention to the details. Just last week I noticed that it also has a disability policy attached to it. So...we are filing the papers so that Scott will get back pay for the last 5 months (even though he is currently still getting paid from his banked sick leave hours)! It will certainly come in handy since we spent so much money on travel and lodging while he was getting treatments.


Wife of Scott: SCC, Stage I retromolar 10/02--33 rad; recurrence 10/03--Docetaxol, 5FU, Cisplatin; 1/04 radical right neck, hard palate, right tonsil; recurrence 2/04--mets to skin and neck; Xeloda and palliative care 3/04-4/04; died 5/01/04.