Thank you Minnie, Dan & Ed,

You are all awesome. Her appointment is at 2pm today so we are just waiting to hear what the ENT says.
Minnie, I told my mom about the chocolate thing and she said that right before her tongue started to feel a little strange she had eaten chocolate and that two days prior to noticing the change in her mouth she had eaten a lot of chocolate. So maybe chocolate is affecting her also. She has been trying to gain some weight so she has been eating everything she can.
Not to say that I'm glad you are feeling the same sensations as my mom but it makes me feel a lot better knowing that she is not alone with the strange feeling. She has the same problems where some days she is fine eating stuff and other days she can't. I hadn't heard that anybody else was that way.
I will let you all know how the appointment goes today.

Thanks again,
Love and prayer to you all!

Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate