Hi everybody,

I'm taking a deep breathe as I type this. I'm worried sick again as usual. I know everybody is going to say not to worry until there is something to worry about but I guess I just have one of those personalities where no matter how much I tell myself to put it out of my mind its the only thing I can think about.

My mom called me Friday saying that she made an appointment with her ENT because she is feeling something strange going on with her tongue. She just had an appointment 2 weeks ago and he relayed a message to her to give to me and my sister that everything looked great. Well now my mom says she feels a hard spot on her tongue where they reattached it and she had a strange feeling that she can't describe (like a stretching or pulling). I'm hoping its just scar tissue that formed on her tongue and like her neck how it gets stiff. Could it be possible that scar tissue could just develop 7 months after the radiation. She is feeling so much better lately and hardly has any pain anymore. Has anybody ever experienced anything like this before? She has an appointment on Wednesday so her ENT can look at it and I am just so worried about what it could be. I was trying to go without posting anything about it but I really need some support right now. I have been praying constantly. Please let me know if anybody has ever had anything like this.

Thank you,

Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate